Drive Google now Allows you to Share Files in Google+ Stream

♦ by Unknown Nov 5, 2012

Google continues its superb integration between the highest existing services that makes available to all users. The latest addition to the search giant about his famous cloud storage service, Google Drive, and the social network of Big G that is expanding more and more, Google+. Google likes to do things big and well and for this reason has decided to integrate the contents of Google Drive Google! It will not, however, a simple link to download the content from our cloud space: the shared content will be fully integrated within the interface of Google+.

This simply means that once shared a link to Google Drive via the web interface of the service, our circles can directly view documents, presentations, PDFs, videos and much more directly from the Google+ stream! Mobile devices, however, will see a simple link that will delay their application Google Drive, or that specific order to view its contents. Really a great idea that Google, which will please all those who (like me) use very Drive and Google+!

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