Facebook Timeline Cover Tips to Customize Your Dairy

♦ by Unknown Jun 2, 2012

Following the global launch of Facebook Timeline , began to multiply on the Web app with collections of pictures to download and apply as a cover of his diary, with just the right size and resolution. Among them, Facebook Timeline Cover, offering a variety of interesting photos, allowing you to use them as cover profile in a simple click and create new ones. To add an image does not need to do is to allow ' application  access to Facebook profile and start searching through the extensive photographic archive.

Pass the mouse over the image and then choose click on the button "Choose", so the photo chosen for the cover will be sent to your photos on Facebook. The cover will be placed in an album created by this application, entitled "Timeline Cover Photos". After choosing a cover from this application, go to your Profile Timeline and click the "Add Cover" on the right of your profile picture. If you already have a cover, you should choose the "Change Cover Sheet" that appears when you hover over the old cover.

Select menu "Choose from the photos," which will open a collection of recent images. Your new cover should be the first image of the collection. Click on the photo and Cover Timeline will be changed with the new photo. Click on "Save Changes" to complete the process. Sometimes you want to be unique and the app provides a way to customize many of the covers in the catalog. When you hover over a thumbnail for a cover, if you see a button "Personalize", which means you can add or edit text on the cover.

Do click on this button and the cover will fill the preview area at the top of the page, along with an editor on the left below it. Type a new text and adjust font size or left blank, and then click on "Use as Cover" when you are done. If you think that your friends wish to use a special cover you can share it with them. Pass the mouse over a thumbnail of the cover to reveal the "Share". Click on it and the cover is inserted in a message you can send to your friends on Facebook.

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