Audacious 3.3 Released Installation in Linux Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin)

♦ by Unknown Aug 4, 2012

Audacious, inspired by popular music player Winamp, is now available in stable version 3.3. For those not familiar, Audacious is a player that focuses on high quality audio and low resource consumption, comes with a nice list of plug-in and two interfaces: GTK interface and an interface similar to Winamp 2.x.

Compared to version 3.2, Audacious now saves the current position within a song when you start playing a different playlist. To pick up where you left off, simply double-click on the tab above the playlist. Various improvements have been made ​​to GTK + interface, such as adding a column for the genre and use a slight slope to make the bar more beautiful.

The toolbar is now playing style GNOME 3 and integrates better with themes like Adwaita / Ambiance. Several improvements were also made ​​to the research, which is now more intelligent: you can search by title, artist, album and songs at the same time, and more information is displayed in search results. Moreover, the plugin now supports FLAC files with high quality and the plugin MPRIS2 (indicator used by the GNOME Shell Media Player) has been improved and enhanced.

The full list of features is available within the official release notes.

Install Audacious 3.3 in Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin

All you have to do is open the terminal and type:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa: nilarimogard/webupd8
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install audacious
To download Audacious 3.3, on Windows or other Linux distributions, simply connect to the download page of the project.

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