Facebook Seems to be Excluded from the list Chrome Browsers

♦ by Unknown Jun 2, 2012

Facebook has apparently made ​​Google Chrome browser out of the list of supported and recommended, instead highlighting Opera, according Favbrowser. The page looks like a new login to Facebook Mobile. It clear that the page is official because at the moment is no longer accessible:



Beside Opera on the page stored in Google's cache are supported Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. In the Facebook page of support are listed all four major browsers. It is unclear if the move makes sense, or what might have meant. Both Facebook and Opera have declined to comment.

Regardless, Facebook is still normally run using the Chrome browser. The switch is particularly noteworthy because of the rumors regarding the possible acquisition of Opera by Facebook. The social network, meanwhile, has long considered Google a competitor in the social field.

It 's well known that the relationship between Google and Facebook are constantly getting worse. It all started when Mountain View has launched Google + that has steadily improved , but recently Larry Page - Google CEO - has harshly attacked Facebook accusing it of "holding hostage to its users."

Via: CNet

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