Change Size or Move Button to Another Location on Mozilla Firefox

♦ by Unknown Aug 4, 2012

The latest versions of Firefox are characterized by the presence of the orange button in Firefox it replaces in fact the menu bar (although you can activate it again by clicking the right button to close open tabs and selecting "Menu Bar"). Position Button can be uncomfortable for some users who would like to maybe change its position. One possibility is to use an extension provision for all Firefox users: Firefox Moveable Button .

The latter allows to reduce the size of the button and move it where it is preferred in the page.  

The screen above is the classic Firefox window. The following, however, shows that the button has changed thanks to the extension of the extension.

To change the location, just click the right button to close open tabs and then "Customize": Now click with the mouse button and drag it while holding the position you prefer.

In this case, as you can see from above, I moved the button on the right of your browser. The extension puts then available to users with a dual functionality: resize the button and move it where you like, trying to make the most of the screen and the layout of the browser.

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